Lets Chat

Your Dream

“You got a dream; you gotta protect it” W. Smith

Will Smith said: ” Whatever your dream is, every extra penny you have needs to be going to that.”

Do you agree with this quote? What is your honest opinion?

You may think he is crazy and has no clue about life, but is he really? If you know his story, you will know that his path was not easy. The truth is, it is never easy; nothing is.

I don’t know why, but I have a magnetic pull to people who want always to convince me that things ” can’t be done”, and my life quest is always to prove them wrong.
This is what I have been doing for the last 17 years. Period. I lived so far in Poland, Portugal, Austria and UK. Since I was 18 years old, I become financially independent, and I was building my life. I was naive, young, unexpierened, but free. Back then, I did not have much, I did not have passive income, investments and higher education, but I was free. If I did not like something, I was not afraid to do a U-turn and leave, drop it, cut toxic people, toxic bosses out of my life and rebuild my mental balance. I have learnt a lot over these years.

I have started everything from scratch; I mean everything. I came to Austria age of 20 with EUR 2,000 in my pocket, no job, no place to stay and my goal was to learn the german language and complete my master’s degree. That’s a bold move, you may think. I remember to this day very well the pain, the hassle, I know how it felt when things were not going my way, I know this all, because I lived it all. On the topof the pain and difficulty, I was disourgaed so many times. Poeple were looking at me and saying: ” why are you doing this?, go back home, you don’t have to do this”. Even my closest family asked me to go back to home in the frist 3 years. Seriously? Yeah! Unfortunately so.

Because of my experience, I know how important your ” mind management” is and that brings me what I do today, every day!

This is my honest intake of why Will Smith quote is correct:
1.   ” You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves they tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something, get it. Period.” It is your job to protect your dream. It does not matter if you want it is; it matters that you do everything that you can to get it. That you fight for your dream because it is your life.

2.    We pay for everything. Everything costs money. Our dream cost our time, financial commitment and our effort. And yes, most people don’t want to or can’t be bothered to do it. Your money will be spent anyway. If you believe in God like me, you know in heaven there is no place for material possessions, you are not taking your amazing car, house, bank account nor social media profile with you. There is only you. If you want to spend your money well, spend it on something which makes you really happy, which will touch your soul and move you closer to your dream.

3.    How much does it cost you ignoring your dream right now? If you are not follwing your dream, what are you doing instead? Are you building someone elses dream?Are you doing what others expect you to do?


People don’t plan well the future, because they are scared of it. They prefer to go with the flow and see how things will work out. But go with the flow does not work. If you don’t set your own direction, a goal for your life, then someone else (aka Life) will do it for you. I don’t think you have a lot of choices here; you need to DECIDE which option you prefer, which option is the right option for you. Once you know, COMMIT to it. Commit to whatever you believe in and then do it.  It’s that simple.

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